• Coaching is a wonderful addition to therapy! Coaches deal specifically with helping clients implement behavior change goals and taking recovery actions. My work is goal oriented and focused on the day-to-day challenges of recovering. I do not work with past issues and traumas. Coaching is meant to be an adjunct to working with a therapist, dietitian, and doctor for your recovery needs.

    I also offer text support which can be crucial in the moment when you are struggling to change disordered behaviors. As a coach, I can provide support with things that need to occur outside the office in daily life like meal support, grocery shopping, and clothes shopping during recovery.

  • Coaching is beneficial for anyone in recovery who is trying to make changes and move forward in their recovery. If you need help with things like goal setting, eating meals, navigating behavior changes, following through with goals, etc., then coaching can be a wonderful support.

    Ideally you already are working with a therapist, dietitian, or doctor and coaching is an adjunct support. I can also help you find a therapist and dietitian if you need one.

  • This depends. Typically once per week, but I can meet with clients more if frequent support is needed or less if they are further along in their recovery.

    During our consultation call and assessment, together we will determine the best frequency for your needs and goals!

  • Ideally we work together consistently because change takes time, but I understand financial resources can make frequent coaching not feasible for some. Or maybe you are at a stable place in recovery but need a bit of a boost or guidance every few months! For these situations I offer 90-minute recovery support calls.

    In a support call, we will collaboratively create an outline of your recovery goals and obstacles you have been facing. Together, we will develop specific ways to help you achieve them independently during the coming months.

  • Recovery looks different for everyone. There is no set length of time it takes to recover and patience is a key part of the process!

    My aim in our work together is to focus on supporting you in making changes towards living the life you want to live, whatever that looks like at this point in time!

  • I offer a free 30 minute consultation call to give you the chance to meet me and see if working together feels like the right fit. I believe finding providers that you feel comfortable with is is so important in recovery.

    If it’s a good fit, we will schedule our first session, you will complete a few forms, and we will get started!

Schedule a Free Consultation Call

Have questions about coaching and want to talk about working together? I offer a free 30-minute consultation call to give you the chance to meet me and see working together feels like the right fit.
I believe finding providers you trust and feel comfortable with is so important for recovery.

Please fill out the below form, and I will be in touch within 1-2 days. I work with clients virtually and in person in central Pennsylvania and virtually worldwide.